目前分類:隨想 (3)

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I really miss you.
I miss you, my friends.
I miss the happiness around us.
I miss the mood I had.
I miss you, freedom.
I miss you, foods.
I miss you, cosy atmosphere.

I miss you.
I miss myself.

claire588246 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jan 08 Tue 2008 19:33
  • 感悟



如是者 我又重覆的回應  重蹈覆徹


claire588246 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

At the moment, I want my DC can be selled as soon as possible ( because I need money to buy a new one), and my target is A650IS, indeed. During the duration of welcoming a new year-2008, I decide so many things. I have many ideas! :)

I know you still keep reading my posts.....but i really cannot be your friend any more, due to my gulity. I just regard you as my BFF, not BF. I'm clear! I I had been thinking it before, but now I got it ! Although I love that feelings anyway.

Can it evacuate from our minds? Impossible.

Ya...I'm waiting for a new one, a new DC, a new guy and a new me.

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